This site is co-funded by European Social Fund through Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013 Invest in people!





Silvia Tabusca

Director of the Center for Human Rights and Migration

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Romanian American University, 1B Expozitiei, Room 223

Silvia T?BU?C?



Georgiana PASCU

Delia NI??





Claudiu SEUCAN

Anca B?L??OIU
 Anca Balasoiu  


Iulian IONI??
Florian COMAN
Ramona OMET
 Alexandra Enache


 Eliza Chiril? is currently working for the Romanian Office of American Councils for International Education as a Country Representative. She has a bachelor degree in Law and currently getting her master degree in Law and International Relations. She has previously been the Romanian United Nations Youth Delegate for 2013-2014, president of the Romanian-American University Students Councils and Vice-president of the National Students Union. Eliza has experience in working on european funded program as she has previously worked on social economy programs and on programs involving students transition from school to labour market.

Alexandra ENACHE
 Alexandra Enache

 Alexandra is a Marketing Specialist within the Romanian-American University’s Communication & PR Department, as well as a RAU Bachelor and Master Alumni. Its current activities include organizing events, promoting the Romanian-American University, spread the news about RAU activities and projects via online and offline resources, as well as creating promotional graphics, develop and maintenance of the University’s web platforms. Moreover, Alexandra is the Editor-in-Chief of "Performance" - RAU Students Magazine, a publication that since 2009 is the students’ ambassador within the Romanian-American University campus. Her fields of interest are related to communication, relationship with students, leadership and project management, as well as human rights issues and general law.






Centrul de Negociere ?i Mediere

 Centrul Tehnologia


 Centrul Piete Financiare

si Burse

 Centrul Oratorie si


Urm?re?te îmbinarea no?iunilor teoretice cu dezvoltarea abilit??ilor practice ale cursan?ilor, în acest sens vom apela la cei mai buni traineri ?i speciali?ti în domeniile de interes, precum ?i la ...

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 Are ca scop dezvoltarea aptitudinilor studen?ilor în domeniul tehnologiei informa?iei ?i comunica?iilor, stimulându-i pe ace?tia s? aplice cuno?tin?ele teoretice dobândite pentru rezolvarea unor aplica?ii practice.

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 Misiunea Centrului de Pie?e Financiare Interne ?i Interna?ionale este de a promova educa?ia ?i cercetarea ?tiin?ific? prin dezvoltarea parteneriatul între mediul academic ?i actorii cheie implica?i...

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 Ne propunem sa va invatam sa dezbateti. De ce sa dezbateti?

1. Majoritatea celor care iau in serios activitatea de dezbateri nu vor avea dificultati la angajare la finalul facultatii.

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Centrele sunt parte a Proiectului POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920 „?COALA PRACTIC?: Inovare în înv???mântul superior ?i succes pe pia?a muncii”.