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  Centrul de Drepturile Omului ?i Migra?ie (CDOM) din cadrul Universit??ii...

Concursul Na?ional de Drepturile Omului ?i Migra?ie - Editia a III-a

Concursul Na?ional de Drepturile Omului ?i Migra?ie - Editia a III-a

  Datorit? perioadei de sesiune ?i num?rului sc?zut de studenti înscri?i, Concursul Na?ional...

Attorney and Judicial Ethics in the U.S. and Romania: Framework and Reflections

Attorney and Judicial Ethics in the U.S. and Romania: Framework and Reflections

The Centre for Human Rights and Migration of the Romanian-American University – together with...

Simularea Parlamentului European - Young European Speakers

Simularea Parlamentului European - Young European Speakers

Centrul de Drepturile Omului si Migra?ie organizeaz? simularea Parlamentului European - Young...

Organizarea unui program de formare a studentilor la drept ca traineri in vederea promovarii educatiei juridice in scoli si licee

Organizarea unui program de formare a studentilor la drept ca traineri in vederea promovarii educatiei juridice in scoli si licee


  • Tempetad


    Saturday, 04 March 2017 14:59
  • Concursul Na?ional de Drepturile Omului ?i Migra?ie - Editia a III-a

    Concursul Na?ional de Drepturile Omului ?i Migra?ie - Editia a III-a

    Wednesday, 08 June 2016 12:16
  • Attorney and Judicial Ethics in the U.S. and Romania: Framework and Reflections

    Attorney and Judicial Ethics in the U.S. and Romania: Framework and Reflections

    Monday, 09 May 2016 07:23
  • Simularea Parlamentului European - Young European Speakers

    Simularea Parlamentului European - Young European Speakers

    Friday, 22 April 2016 13:33
  • Organizarea unui program de formare a studentilor la drept ca traineri in vederea promovarii educatiei juridice in scoli si licee

    Organizarea unui program de formare a studentilor la drept ca traineri in vederea promovarii...

    Wednesday, 09 March 2016 06:58


The center for Human Rights and Migration addresses the increasingly interdisciplinary needs of human rights and migration activities. Through multidisciplinary programs and didactic activities, applied research, and the interaction of scholars, students and practitioners, the Center aims to nurture a new generation of specialists in human rights and migration in our country, and to draw attention to several incongruities of the legal framework.

 The Centre for Human Rights and Migration was established through the URA Senate’s Decision no. ....on the....., as part of the POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920 Project “SCHOOL PRACTICE: Innovation in higher education and success in the labor market.”

The mission of The Centre for Human Rights and Migration is to actively promote education and scientific research by developing partnerships between academia and stakeholders involved in the practical realities of the European society.

To achieve the above mentioned goal, the Center carries out the following activities:

I. Education:

a. educating and training young people to promote human rights and/or understanding the migration phenomenon;
b. promotion and dissemination of human rights and /or migration issues;
c. applied practical activities for students and/or recent graduates;
d. clinical activities of drafting legal opinions and/or simulation of practical situations, including moot court competitions;
e. publishing and printing of materials with a stimulating teaching and/or scientific role;
f. humanitarian campaigns.

 II. Research:

a. fundamental and advanced research concerning human rights and/or migration;
case research on human rights violations;
  research of the status quo and issues concerning migration;
research on national legislation and drafting proposals for improving the national legislation;
valorisation of scientific results obtained by attending national conferences and/or international scientific sessions, research projects, studies and articles published in journals indexed in international databases, on different aspects and themes on human rights and/or migration.

III. Development of external partnerships:

a. promotion of the Centre as a prestigious entity among Romanian and international academics; 
organizing events, scientific and/or trainings on issues related to the activity of the Centre.

Centrul de Negociere ?i Mediere

 Centrul Tehnologia


 Centrul Piete Financiare

si Burse

 Centrul Oratorie si


Urm?re?te îmbinarea no?iunilor teoretice cu dezvoltarea abilit??ilor practice ale cursan?ilor, în acest sens vom apela la cei mai buni traineri ?i speciali?ti în domeniile de interes, precum ?i la ...

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 Are ca scop dezvoltarea aptitudinilor studen?ilor în domeniul tehnologiei informa?iei ?i comunica?iilor, stimulându-i pe ace?tia s? aplice cuno?tin?ele teoretice dobândite pentru rezolvarea unor aplica?ii practice.

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 Misiunea Centrului de Pie?e Financiare Interne ?i Interna?ionale este de a promova educa?ia ?i cercetarea ?tiin?ific? prin dezvoltarea parteneriatul între mediul academic ?i actorii cheie implica?i...

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 Ne propunem sa va invatam sa dezbateti. De ce sa dezbateti?

1. Majoritatea celor care iau in serios activitatea de dezbateri nu vor avea dificultati la angajare la finalul facultatii.

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Centrele sunt parte a Proiectului POSDRU/156/1.2/G/132920 „?COALA PRACTIC?: Inovare în înv???mântul superior ?i succes pe pia?a muncii”.


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