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Attorney and Judicial Ethics in the U.S. and Romania: Framework and Reflections

Attorney and Judicial Ethics

The Centre for Human Rights and Migration of the Romanian-American University – together with the Ministry of Justice, have the pleasure to invite you to participate in the discussion on "Attorney and Judicial Ethics in the U.S. and Romania: Framework and Reflections", which takes place on the 27th of May, starting at 6 pm, in the Senate Room of the Romanian-American University.

The special American guests of this event are:
Professor Philip GENTY, Columbia Law School;
Professor Leslie SALZMAN, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, New York;
Judge Judith WAKSBERG, New York City Family Court;
Judge Joseph E. GUBBAY, New York City Criminal Court.
This discussion aims to gather magistrates, lawyers and mediators, researchers and law professor, as well as foreign diplomats in Romania. The debates are encouraged, being held under the rule of Chatham House. The event will be held in English.
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