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Iana Matei

Realit?ti ale traficului de persoane în România (11 noiembrie, ora 12:00, Amf.1) 

Invitat: Iana Matei, Pre?edinte Reaching Out, România

Awards Iana:

2005 'Abolitionist award', House of Lords London.
2007 'Hero of the year' U.S. State Department, Washington.
2008 "Woman of the year" Avantaje Magazine Bucharest.
2010 "European of the year" by Readers Digest. ( First Romanian to receive this award)
2011 "10 exceptional women" by Click Magazine Bucharest.
2011 "125 Women For Change" Avon Bucharest.
2012 "Ator Pal Mont" by Asociazione Culturale Udine Italy.