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Joseph E. Gubbay

Joseph E. Gubbay, Joseph GUBBAY

 Judge in the New York City Criminal Court


Joseph E. Gubbay was appointed to the Criminal Court in 1999. He helped establish the Misdemeanor Brooklyn Treatment Court, and presided from 2004-2013 in The Screening Treatment and Enhancement Part, a court which offers drug and mental health treatment to individuals charged with non-violent felonies. During 2012, he was assigned the additional responsibility to preside over the first Kings County Adolescent Diversion Program, an initiative of New York State’s Chief Judge, to offer appropriate services to 16 and 17 year olds charged with crimes in an effort to reform negative behavior and achieve a non-criminal disposition. Currently, he sits in Supreme Court Criminal term, hearing the spectrum of felony cases, as well as cases eligible for drug and mental health treatment, and supportive services for adolescents.         




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