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Philip M. GENTY, Philip M. Genty

Columbia Law School, New York, N.Y.

Everett B. Birch Innovative Teaching Clinical Professor in Professional Responsibility

 Director, Incarceration and the Family Clinic


Areas of Expertise: Professional responsibility, family law, prisoners' rights, Civil Procedure, Appellate Advocacy

Philip Genty worked as an attorney at Prisoners' Legal Services of New York; the New York City Department of Housing, Preservation and Development; and the Bedford-Stuyvesant Community Legal Services Corporation. Joined the faculty of Brooklyn Law School in 1987; taught legal writing and a seminar on the rights of prisoners. Joined the Columbia faculty in 1989. Has consulted on clinical legal education and legal ethics in Central and Eastern Europe and Israel. Has assisted with legal resource materials for incarcerated parents and works with several organizations that assist women in prison.

Research and teaching interests are in professional responsibility, clinical education, prisoners' rights, family law, appellate advocacy, and civil procedure. Serves on Columbia University Senate, Education and Structure and Operations Committees. Co-Chair of Columbia Law School Curriculum Committee. Recipient of 2008 Columbia Law School Willis L.M. Reese Prize for Excellence in Teaching and 2015 Columbia University Presidential Award for Outstanding Teaching.

Education:  B.A., Colorado College, 1977; J.D., New York University, 1980.